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Action/Adventure Novel
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Though she may ride fast, seventeen-year-old Jacey Davis can't seem to outrun her past. She's just trying to be a teenager, but it seems like her mother's recent death in a famous horse race follows her around the small town of Snowflake, Arizona, and continues to drive Uncle Terry to hit the bottle each night. Jacey's whole world is twisted up in grief with no way out... until she's suddenly offered a spot in the exact same horse race that killed her mother.  Jacey agrees to the challenge, resolute on redeeming the family's name with her trusted steed, Mojave, a small and underestimated golden mustang once bound for slaughter. Now, a hundred miles of rushing rivers, lurking predators, dangerous landscape, blood-thirsty competitors, and the infamous Azure Hill, a steep mountain with a dead drop that took her own mother's life, lay between Jacey, Mojave, and the finish line of true redemption.



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